HNBGU Subject Code PCM Chemistry of all Semester 2021-22

Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (Uttarakhand) officials Subjects Codes which helps in the application form in the HNBGU site.

Every 6 months, Hnbgu releases semester forms for the students to fill the forms and fees.

Only the thing for students to do is fill the subject code (*carefully) and submit the fee within a given period. Otherwise, they have to pay a penalty fee for late submitting.

In this article we Hnbgu Guide, provide you the subject code of Chemistry Subject of all semesters (Semester 1st to Semester 6th).

And also we discuss some important points and also answered the queries of students in this single article.

HNB Subject Code

HNBGU subject codes for all subjects is provided on this site with officials’ note.

Every subject has a unique code to fill in the application semester form at the time of fee submission. And it is important to know the correct subject code at the time of form filling.

If any student fills the wrong subject code at the time of fee submission then he/she will face a huge issue because that student has to give a penalty fee or that subject code exam which that student fills on that time.

So always be careful to fill the correct subject code, because one mistake can make your 1 year’s waste.

According to Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, every student has to submit their subject at every time of fee submission in all semester.

Because in some case students change their some subjects for their comfort so that’s the reason why you have to fill subject code in all semester application form

Chemistry Subject Code

Students with subject PCM in Bachelor’s degree required this subject code. (Visit B.Sc. PCM External papers free site)

Here is the subject Code of Chemistry (HNBGU) 2021-

B.Sc. 1st Semester (theory): DSC- 211111 (Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry, & Alphatic Hydrocarbons) 
B.Sc. 1st Semester (lab)  LAB DSC- P 211611 (Atomic Structure, Bonding, General Organic Chemistry, & Alphatic Hydrocarbons
B.Sc. 2nd Semester (theory): DSC 212111 (Chemical Energetics, Equilubria, and Functional Group Organic Chemistry I) 
B.Sc. 2nd Semester (lab): LAB DSC- P 212611 (Chemical Energetics, Equilubria, and Functional Group Organic Chemistry I)  
B.Sc. 3rd Semester (theory): DSC- 213111 (Solution Phase Equilibrium, Conductance, Electrochemistry, and Functional Group Organic Chemistry)
B.Sc. 3rd Semester (lab): LAB DSC- P 213611 (Solution Phase Equilibrium, Conductance, Electrochemistry, and Functional Group Organic Chemistry)

Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)- SEC 213311 (Basic Analytical Chemistry) 
B.Sc. 4th Semester (theory): DSC 214111 (Coodination Chemistry, States of Matter, and Chemical Kinetics)  
B.Sc. 4th Semester (lab): LAB DSC- P 214611 (Coodination Chemistry, States of Matter, and Chemical Kinetics)
B.Sc. 5th Semester (theory): DSC 215411 (Analytical Methods Chemistry)  
B.Sc. 5th Semester (lab): LAB DSC- P 215811 (Analytical Methods Chemistry)
B.Sc. 6th Semester (theory): DSC 216412 (Organometallics Bio-Inorganic, Polynuclear, Hydrocarbon, UV, and IR Spectroscopy)
B.Sc. 6th Semester (lab): LAB DSC- P 216812 (Organometallics Bio-Inorganic, Polynuclear, Hydrocarbon, UV, and IR Spectroscopy)

Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)- SEC 216311 (Pesticides Chemistry)

So this is the subject code for Chemistry at HNB University. And also you can download the photo of the subject given below.

HNBGU Subject Code of Chemistry
HNBGU Subject Code of Chemistry

Hnbgu Helpful Points:

  1. You only have to fill the sunbject code and fee in the hnbgu semester application form.
  2. If you have any doubt then comment below, we’ll reply you ASAP!
  3. Or you can also send any queries to direct officials Hnbgu mail address ([email protected]), or you can contact your college seniors or teachers.
  4. If you need any exam papers then visit our home to see the all previously years external papers.


Where this Code is required?

The Subject code of any subject is required at the time of submission of the fee of the semester. Where you just have to fill the subject with their codes and fees.

Why HNB needs Subject Code?

HNBGU needs Subject Code to identify the student’s subject and for their external exam paper. It helps the university to set the exam paper for the students.

What if the code is wrong?

If you fill the code wrong, you may face problems because the subject code you fill that code paper you have to give in the exam hall. Or you may have to pay a fine to recorrect the code.

In all semesters, subject code is different?

Yes in all semesters the subject code is different. Only 1-2 digit number is different in all subject codes. It is easier for universities to identify particular subjects.

To download or study any previous year external question visit this link- Hnbgu all external papers

Imp Questions of most asked questions in the previous years of papers-

1. Is this the official HNBGU, Srinagar website?

No, this is not an official site of HNB Garhwal University. The Official site of HNBGU is
This site is just a guide for the students of HNB University. As we provide previous years’ papers with syllabi and other stuff according to the needs of the students.

2. Will the Previous Year’s Question paper help me in my upcoming exams?

The answer is simple- Definitely, it will help you.
By checking out the Previous Years of Question Papers, you will get an idea of the pattern of exam papers.
And in many cases, you will get 1-2 questions similar to your upcoming internal or external exams (on personal experience).

3. Is this an external paper or an internal paper?

As in many colleges, the internal paper is different from other colleges. So to sort out this problem, we just added the external paper on our site, which is the same in all colleges affiliated with HNB Garhwal University.

4. What are the benefits of B.Sc. previous year question papers?

Its major benefit is you can easily pass. As in the university exam, mostly repeated questions are there and you can easily write a paper with 40 to 50 marks.

5. Why External Paper only?

Many Colleges are affiliated with Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU), Srinagar, so the external papers are prepared by the university.
On another side, Internal Papers are set or prepared by the college itself. So in every college, the internal papers are different from each other.

6. How do I study previous years’ question papers?

Keep In Mind Some Important Points Before Attempting Any Sample Paper:
1. Start studying the whole syllabus deeply once.
2. Study previous year’s question papers online according to your course or subjects.
3. Mark out those topics and questions which you find so difficult to answer.
4. Next, time while studying the whole syllabus, focus on your weak areas more.
5. Study other old question papers, but this time study more than 2 question papers.
6. Repeat the process.

7. Where can I find previous years’ HNBGU question papers?

HNBGU’s previous year’s question papers for annual exams and HNBGU exam question papers are available for free study on hnbguguide. in. 
HNBGU old question papers help students to understand the actual question paper pattern and marking scheme too. It is suggested to study and practice these previous year’s question papers.

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