HNBGU BSc CBZ (Zoology) 4th Sem Full Syllabus 2021-22 Or Bachelor of Science Zoology in CBZ (2nd Year) Syllabus Read online 2021-22.
B.Sc. Semester-IV Syllabus Zoology
New Syllabus B.Sc. – IV” Semester, Zoology
Theory- Genetics and Evolutionary Biology.

In this Syllabus, there are a total of 6 Units
Also syllabus suggested the perfect books for this syllabus.
Check out our homepage for Previous year’s question papers (According to with semesters as well) with respect to your subjects-
Also, read the question paper on these subjects (B.Sc. CBZ):
1. Botany
2. Chemistry
3. Zoology
4. English
B.Sc. CBZ refers to Bachelor in Science of main subjects Chemistry, Botany and Zoology.
We also provide the last 5 to 10-year question papers for Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU) fifth semester BSc PCM students.
In this article, HNBGU GUIDE provides is Zoology Syllabus (B.Sc CBZ) for the Fourth semester (2022). To check more papers, you can go to our home page where you find all papers according to your preparation.
Zoology (जीव विज्ञानं): Branch of biology concerned with the classification and the properties and vital phenomena of animals. provides you with a well-arranged set of previous year’s question papers in order to help you. To prepare for your Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU) Fourth semester BSc CBZ Zoology Syllabus.
As we all are very well aware that the syllabus of HNB Garhwal University provides us with what to study for the exams.
Syllabus of B.Sc. Zoology (CBZ) 4th-Semester HNBGU
Bachelor of Science Semester 1, all subjects last 6 years old papers are available here. And all papers of HNBGU University pattern. If you want papers that we didn’t provide, you can use the request papers feature on our website.
On this site, we also provide B.Sc semester 1 to B.Sc semester 6 old papers of Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU).
Not only Syllabus, but we also provide:
- Latest Notifications from University
- Previous Year question papers
- Study Notes
No, this is not an official site of HNB Garhwal University. The Official site of HNBGU is
This site is just a guide for the students of HNB University. As we provide previous years’ papers with syllabi and other stuff according to the needs of the students.
The answer is simple- Definitely, it will help you.
By checking out the Previous Years of Question Papers, you will get an idea of the pattern of exam papers.
And in many cases, you will get 1-2 questions similar to your upcoming internal or external exams (on personal experience).
As in many colleges, the internal paper is different from other colleges. So to sort out this problem, we just added the external paper on our site, which is the same in all colleges affiliated with HNB Garhwal University.
Its major benefit is you can easily pass. As in the university exam, mostly repeated questions are there and you can easily write a paper with 40 to 50 marks.
Many Colleges are affiliated with Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU), Srinagar, so the external papers are prepared by the university.
On another side, Internal Papers are set or prepared by the college itself. So in every college, the internal papers are different from each other.
Keep In Mind Some Important Points Before Attempting Any Sample Paper:
1. Start studying the whole syllabus deeply once.
2. Study previous year’s question papers online according to your course or subjects.
3. Mark out those topics and questions which you find so difficult to answer.
4. Next, time while studying the whole syllabus, focus on your weak areas more.
5. Study other old question papers, but this time study more than 2 question papers.
6. Repeat the process.
HNBGU’s previous year’s question papers for annual exams and HNBGU exam question papers are available for free study on hnbguguide. in.
HNBGU old question papers help students to understand the actual question paper pattern and marking scheme too. It is suggested to study and practice these previous year’s question papers.
No, this is not an official site of HNB Garhwal University. The Official site of HNBGU is
This site is just a guide for the students of HNB University. As we provide previous years’ papers with syllabi and other stuff according to the needs of the students.
The answer is simple- Definitely, it will help you.
By checking out the Previous Years of Question Papers, you will get an idea of the pattern of exam papers.
And in many cases, you will get 1-2 questions similar to your upcoming internal or external exams (on personal experience).
As in many colleges, the internal paper is different from other colleges. So to sort out this problem, we just added the external paper on our site, which is the same in all colleges affiliated with HNB Garhwal University.
Its major benefit is you can easily pass. As in the university exam, mostly repeated questions are there and you can easily write a paper with 40 to 50 marks.
Many Colleges are affiliated with Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (HNBGU), Srinagar, so the external papers are prepared by the university.
On another side, Internal Papers are set or prepared by the college itself. So in every college, the internal papers are different from each other.
Keep In Mind Some Important Points Before Attempting Any Sample Paper:
1. Start studying the whole syllabus deeply once.
2. Study previous year’s question papers online according to your course or subjects.
3. Mark out those topics and questions which you find so difficult to answer.
4. Next, time while studying the whole syllabus, focus on your weak areas more.
5. Study other old question papers, but this time study more than 2 question papers.
6. Repeat the process.
HNBGU’s previous year’s question papers for annual exams and HNBGU exam question papers are available for free study on hnbguguide. in.
HNBGU old question papers help students to understand the actual question paper pattern and marking scheme too. It is suggested to study and practice these previous year’s question papers.
Check out our homepage for more Previous year question papers (According to with semesters as well) with respect to your subjects-
Also, read the question paper on these subjects (B.Sc. CBZ):
1. Botany
2. Chemistry
3. Zoology
4. English